How long do we need to sleep

How long do we need to sleep 

As we advance, our sleeping habit changes. Getting the proper amount can help keep your body healthy, steady mood and sharpen your focus. As we know, to much of everything isn't good at all. Too little, and you are seen as zombie, too much and you might feel sluggish all day. Here is a guide to how long you should sleep, based on age, plus a few tricks to make it happen. They are as follows:

1) newborns(0-3 months):14 to 17 hours, babies wt this category are sleep machines, so as parents there is not need to be worried.

2).infants(4-11 months): As this babies hit the four month mark, they sleep for 1e to 15 hours, including naps.

3).Toddlers from (1-2 years): They sleep 11 to 14 hours, with one or two naps still in the mix(1 to 3 hours in total).

Preschoolers(3-5 years): usually 10 to 13 hours.

At this stage, 10 to 13 hours does the trick. Naps at this time might drop to one or none by age 5, lasting 1 to 2 hours, with 9 to 11 at night. 

4).school-age kids (6-13 years):

They sleep 9 to 11 hours. Big kids of this age need 9 to 11 hours, all at night -no naps unless they are wiped.

5).Teenagers (14-17 years): For this category 8 to 10 hours is okay. Teens are notorious for skimping, but 8 to 10 hours is the sweet spot. Puberty shifts their clocks, like 10 p.m might feel early. So, let them sleep when they can. Teach them to avoid distractions such as their phones which is a sleep thief. 

6). Adults from 18 to 64 years sleep 7 to 9 hours, and for older adults 65+ years 7 to 8 hours. 

As you age sleep gets lighter, with more wake-ups, and naps might creep back in 20 to 60 minutes. 

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Note: not only age is a factor, genes, health, and lifestyle can add to this.